
What You Should Know About Roofing Repair

It would help if you were always on the lookout for roof damage. That means going into the attic or crawl space now and then and examining the inside of your roof.

If the damage is extensive, a replacement is probably necessary. However, if the problem is minor or isolated, repair may suffice.


Roofers In Wilmington DE is a critical component of any roofing system. It is made from thin pieces of waterproof material, typically galvanized steel or aluminum. It is installed at points where the roof meets other structures, such as chimneys, walls, skylights, or dormers. Flashing directs water away from these areas, preventing leaks and other damage. It is also used to protect the roof from water that would otherwise seep into cracks or crevices and freeze, which can lead to rot or mold growth.

There are several types of flashing, each designed for a specific type of roof. One common type is called base flashing, which consists of two sheets of metal that can move over each other as the roof expands and contracts. Roofers use it around dormers, chimneys, and other protrusions. Another type is called step flashing, which consists of rectangles of sheet metal bent into L-shapes and nailed to the roof. Each L-shape overlaps the next, forming a waterproof barrier. Roofers often use this type of flashing in roof valleys.

When a home’s flashing becomes damaged, it’s important to repair it right away to prevent roof leaks and other problems. There are several signs of flashing damage that a homeowner should watch out for, including lifted shingles near the flashing, which can indicate that the flashing is no longer protecting the area. Other warning signs include rust or corrosion, which could indicate that the flashing is corroding and needs to be replaced.

It’s also important to have a professional roofer inspect the flashing on a regular basis, preferably once or twice per year. This will allow the professional to detect and repair any problems before they become serious, preventing leaks and other expensive repairs.

If you’re looking for a reputable and experienced roofing contractor to perform your roofing repair, contact Our skilled professionals will provide prompt and quality service to help you keep your home safe and comfortable. Call us today for a free estimate! We proudly serve residential and commercial customers in the area. We offer a variety of services, including gutter replacement, roof maintenance, and roof repair. We are committed to customer satisfaction, and our goal is to exceed your expectations.

Like any roofing system, built-up roofing (BUR) comes with pros and cons. For one, it’s durable and long-lasting, and if properly maintained, it can last for more than a century. Additionally, it’s cost-effective and easy to install. BUR also provides excellent protection against UV rays, which can keep your building cool and lower your energy costs. However, BUR requires regular inspections and prompt repairs to prevent more serious damage.

One of the most common problems with built-up roofs is water ponding. If left unattended, this can cause the seams to dry out, resulting in blistering and leaks. Additionally, the heavy weight of built-up roofs can put pressure on essential equipment like HVAC systems, causing them to fail. To avoid these issues, it’s important to hire a professional roofing contractor who has experience handling built-up roof repairs.

A typical BUR roof is composed of three main components: ply sheets, bitumen, and surfacing materials. The ply sheets are fabric mats that are reinforced with fiberglass or polyester. The bitumen acts as the ‘glue’ holding everything together and can be either hot, which is heated during installation, or cold, which can be sprayed on or applied with a squeegee. The surfacing material is usually either gravel or slag, and it helps to protect the underlying layers from mechanical damage.

Leaks are also more difficult to diagnose on a built-up roof, as they can travel between the layers or get trapped between the surfacing material and the roofing substrate. To fix a leak in a built-up roof, a specialist must first cut through the surfacing material and the underlying plies of felt.

When performing a repair on a built-up roof, it’s critical to use a high-quality asphalt primer to help the patch bond with the underlying surface. Then, the contractor must apply a second coat of the asphalt primer to ensure that the patch is strong and secure. Finally, the contractor must sprinkle light-colored gravel or slag over the wet asphalt cement to reflect sunlight and speed up the drying process. While a built-up roof may require more attention than other types of commercial roofs, with proper care and regular maintenance, it can still offer years of service.

If your roof is covered with shingles or other roofing material, it’s critical to keep it in good condition. This is because damaged shingles can allow water to seep into your home, which can lead to structural damage and costly repairs. If left unattended, leaks can also cause water damage to your belongings and your home’s interior.

Luckily, there are several different options when it comes to roofing repair, including re-roofing and roof replacement. While both options have their pros and cons, re-roofing is often the most cost-effective option. This is because it involves replacing existing shingles and does not require dismantling the entire roof structure.

However, re-roofing can be tricky because it’s difficult to match new shingles with the old ones. This can result in a lumpy, uneven appearance, and it can also expose areas of the roof that need to be repaired. Another issue is that if the original roof was damaged, laying more shingles on top of it will only highlight those problems. This is known as telegraphing, and it can make the original damage more obvious.

Other roofing issues that may require repair include a shingle roof’s tendency to shrink, which can lead to cracking or lifting. Shingles and tiles also tend to lose granules over time, which can make them brittle and weaken the waterproofing membrane. Water infiltration, meanwhile, can lead to mold growth and other damage inside your home.

As a general rule, it’s best to get your roof repaired as soon as you notice any signs of trouble. Leaving a damaged roof can ultimately cause damage to your interior ceilings, walls, and floors. It can also create a breeding ground for pests, which can pose health risks for you and your family.

If you’re planning on repairing your roof, be sure to hire a professional roofing contractor. They’ll be able to assess the problem and recommend the best solution for your needs. They’ll also be able to install flashing and other roofing materials correctly to prevent future problems. And they’ll be able to help you choose the right type of shingles for your home’s style and climate.

Gutters are a crucial part of the roof system that catch and direct rainwater from the roof to the ground. They are made from a variety of materials and come in many different shapes and sizes. However, they all share one common objective: to protect the foundation and basement or crawl space of a house by preventing water damage. Gutters also prevent soil erosion and preserve landscaping features around the home. In addition, they can help prevent ice dams and the growth of mold and moss on the roof.

Generally, gutters are installed along the eave edges of a roof to catch rainfall and channel it into downspouts, which then drain away from the house. They are made from metal or wood, with some homeowners choosing to use aluminum, steel, or vinyl gutters. In general, these materials are less expensive than those used for shingles and are considered to be more durable. However, it is important to keep in mind that the quality of gutters can vary significantly.

It is important to regularly clean your gutters to remove leaves, twigs, and other debris. If they get clogged, the rainwater will have nowhere to go and can back up onto the roof. This can damage shingles, create ice dams, and lead to the growth of moss or mold on the roof.

If you’re not comfortable climbing a ladder, it’s best to hire a professional to clean your gutters. A professional will be able to identify any problems, including the presence of standing water, and make sure the gutters are pitched correctly. It’s important to have at least a quarter inch of slope for every 10 feet of gutter.

It’s a good idea to invest in gutters, as they will help you save money in the long run. These systems are essential for avoiding costly structural repairs, basement and foundation leaks, and rotting fascia and soffit boards. In addition, they can provide you with a sense of security and reduce the stress of maintaining a home. Whether you choose to install them yourself or have a contractor do it for you, a gutter system will be worth the investment.